As in previous years, Estate Management is implementing a streamlined building access process and a reduction in normal services during this period.
The UNSW year-end break commences from 5pm Tuesday 21 December 2021 and the University will reopen on Tuesday 4 January 2022.
Estate Management would like to ensure a consistent and well-managed process is in place for all staff and buildings, as well as improve on last year’s sustainability efficiencies.
Following is a summary of the building access arrangements and services available during the UNSW year-end break.
Estate Management Help Desk
The Estate Management help desk phone number 02 9385 5111 will continue to operate 24/7 during the year-end period.
Any emails sent to estate@unsw.edu.au will be responded to when the University re-opens on Tuesday 4 January 2022.
Building Access
All buildings on campus will continue in secure mode, these are the same arrangements that are currently in place on campus for COVID-19 restrictions.
A student or staff card, with the requisite level of access, is required to access buildings.
In addition, some spaces within buildings may be locked down at the request of the Faculty or Division. These areas will be inaccessible to students and staff.
Staff and HDR students must have permission to be on campus with approval required from the Dean or Divisional Head, or their delegate.
If you have been granted approval to be on campus and you currently do not have access, please arrange for your manager / admin team to request the access by emailing id.cards@unsw.edu.au before Thursday 16 December 2021. After this date we cannot guarantee access will be added to the card. During the year-end period there will be no ability to add access to your card.
The Law Library will remain open, with reduced operating hours from 9am to 5pm daily (except on Christmas Day), for students who want to come to campus during the year-end period.
Further communications will be provided for building access arrangements when the University reopens on 4 January 2022.
There will be a full clean of all buildings at the end of the year. The last full clean will be the night of Friday 17 December 2021.
Kitchen areas, bathrooms and general waste bins will be serviced daily on the floors only in buildings where staff and students are occupying.
There will be no other cleaning services during the UNSW year-end period.
Full service cleaning will recommence at the conclusion of the UNSW year-end break.
Waste Collection
There will be no scheduled waste collection for buildings during the year-end period. Waste collection will occur for all buildings directly prior to and at the conclusion of the UNSW year-end break.
General waste collection from external collection points will continue as normal, excluding public holidays.
Paper and cardboard waste will not be collected during the UNSW year-end period.
Hazardous waste collection is not scheduled during the year-end period unless specifically requested as urgent. The last scheduled chemical waste collection for 2021 is Thursday 16 December 2021. Biological waste will be collected from the Bio-dock waste room only during the year-end period, excluding public holidays.
Permanent skip bins will not be serviced during the UNSW year-end period unless arranged prior to the break.
Air Conditioning
During the year-end period, air conditioning will continue to be provided for business-critical requirements.
Areas that are non-research critical spaces (such as office areas) will not have air conditioning unless an exemption has been requested.
For buildings with standalone air conditioning systems these will operate as normal. All other units will operate on after-hours mode which will require push button activation.
Lights will be switched off for all buildings. Lighting can be switched on manually if required.
UNSW Security Services will continue to operate 24/7 throughout the year-end period. For assistance during this time visit the Gate 2 Security Office (High Street). Alternatively, please call 9385 6000 or in an emergency, please call 9385 6666.
Emergency Contacts
If you are a designated emergency contact (after hours) within your Faculty/School or Division/Business Unit, please ensure you update your EM Business Partner with your contact information prior to the year-end period.
If any emergency contacts are not available during the year-end period, please supply your EM Business Partner with alternative contact information prior to the year-end break.
Major Incident Response Team
The Major Incident Response Team (MIRT) will continue to operate throughout the period uninterrupted.
For any emergencies or incidents please contact the Security Control Room on 9385 6666.
The mailroom will be closed during the UNSW year-end break and recommence at the conclusion of this period.
For mail that needs to be sent out, the last post collection will be Friday 17 December 2021.
All mail received over the year-end period will be held by the Australia Post outlet on campus.
Relocations are available if arranged with General Services, with an Archibus request submitted no later than Tuesday 14 December 2021. There will be no relocations available during the year-end period.
Furniture re-use is not available during the UNSW year-end period.
Grounds contractors will be on campus throughout the year-end period, except for public holidays.
More information
For more information, please contact Estate Management on 02 9385 5111 or estate@unsw.edu.au.
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