The new Data Requests intranet page has been designed to help staff navigate the legality and complexity of using university data.
Most UNSW staff do not realise that in the majority of cases you need to get approval before using the university’s data. This requirement applies to data that you want to use outside its original system (e.g. SiMs and PiMs), share with an external party (including service and platform providers), or publish in a report.
The Data & Information Governance Office has launched a new one-stop-shop to help you request data and meet your data sharing needs.
Visit our Data Requests intranet page to find out:
- What data has been pre-approved for use
- What data requires a Data Sharing Agreement before use
- How to request data from the UPP Azure Data Lake
- How to request a Data Sharing Agreement.
If you have any additional questions about obtaining or sharing data, please send an email to datagov@unsw.edu.au.
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