UNSW is delighted to announce that Professor Michael Quinlan and Professor Michael Cowling have had the title of Emeritus Professor conferred upon them on their retirements from UNSW.
Professor Quinlan’s (School of Management, UNSW Business School and Director of the Industrial Relations Research Centre) major expertise is the field of occupational health and safety (OHS) and risk, particularly aspects related to work organisation, management and regulation. In addition to publishing widely on OHS, he has undertaken inquiries, investigations and audits for governments in Australia and New Zealand on safety in the trucking industry, mining and OHS regulatory regimes. He has also served as an expert on a number of government advisory bodies in Australia and New Zealand, as well as helping to prepare reports on OHS for the World Health Organisation, European Commission, European Agency on Safety and Health at Work and International Labour Organisation. He currently serves on the editorial board of six academic journals based in Australia and the UK.
Professor Cowling (School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Science) works in several areas of mathematics, with his research topics including harmonic analysis and geometry of Lie groups. His collaborations involve mathematicians from across the world, including France, Switzerland, Israel, Italy, Poland and Japan, reflecting the international character of mathematics. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and is recognised for his expertise all around the world; in 2014 a five-day workshop was held in Spain to celebrate his 65th birthday.
UNSW sends its best wishes to both Professor Quinlan and Professor Cowling on their retirement and congratulates them on their distinguished careers at the University.
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