Professor Eileen Baldry, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Inclusion & Diversity, and Professor Mark Willcox, UNSW LGBTIQ Champion, are delighted to advise all staff and students that UNSW has been awarded bronze in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) at the 2018 Australian LGBTIQ Inclusion Awards.
The AWEI is a rigorous, evidence-based benchmarking instrument that assesses LGBTIQ inclusion initiatives in workplaces. This year there were 135 employers across Australia that participated in the Index. Achieving a bronze award shows the University is leading in LGBTIQ inclusion and recognises the work of the many staff and students, and the work of Professor Willcox, who have contributed to activities and initiatives at UNSW.
This is UNSW’s first public submission to the Index. Our participation provides an opportunity to benchmark our activities against other organisations and identify areas where we can improve. Congratulations to everyone in our LGBTIQ community and Ally network and those who contributed to the submission!
UNSW’s Ally Program, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, was an important component of our submission. UNSW runs regular free Ally training on LGBTIQ awareness and how to support the LGBTIQ community, including work colleagues and students. To register for this free training visit https://student.unsw.edu.au/ally/register.
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