Expressions of Interest (EOI) to join the Division of Equity Diversity & Inclusion in a vertical job-sharing position with Eileen Baldry are now open.
As part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion, the Division of Equity Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) has been implementing Vertical Job-Sharing (VJS) in the role of Deputy Vice-Chancellor EDI since 2019.
VJS is different to traditional job-sharing and was developed by Professor Rosalind Dixon as part of her work for the Grand Challenge on Inequality. It involves the formation of job-sharing partnerships where residual responsibility and decision-making rights are allocated to one of the job-share partners (the ‘senior’ job-share partner).
Professor Leisa Sargent – who was the inaugural Co-DVC EDI alongside Professor Eileen Baldry, vacated the position last month to focus on her role as Deputy Dean of UNSW Business School.
“I would like to thank Professor Leisa Sargent who has contributed her significant expertise and experience to the Division and helped shape the role of Co-DVC EDI” said Professor Eileen Baldry.
Professor Sargent added that “over the past three years the co-DVC EDI role has been such a tremendous learning opportunity and a wonderful way to serve the mission of the University. Some of the highlights have been gaining an in-depth understanding the needs and wants of the UNSW community when it comes to EDI, the Respectful behaviours program, Be a Better Human Campaign, elevating SDGs and of course GAPP for widening student entry and participation.”
“The vertical job share with Eileen has been so valuable in providing a whole-of-university perspective and experience. I heartily encourage anyone who wants to make a disproportionate positive difference to apply for the role," said Sargent.
The role
The role is a temporary 0.2 FTE role in the Division of Equity Diversity and Inclusion for the period ending 31 December 2022.
The Co-DVC EDI will take on one or two major streams of responsibility from the DVC EDI’s portfolio, which has four main goals delivered through the Division’s four pillars:
Access, Equity and Inclusion, to build a welcoming, diverse UNSW where everyone can participate in a fair, safe and respectful environment.
Sustainable Development, to align with, coordinate and promote UNSW’s activities in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
UNSW Institute for Global Development, to partner with students, staff, alumni and the community to align UNSW’s expertise and research with Australia’s aspirations and the SDGs.
UNSW Disability Innovation Institute, to lead disability-inclusive ways of working and improve engagement practices by connecting researchers and educators with lived experiences of disability.
More information can be found in the EDI Strategy which is available on the EDI website.
“UNSW is leading the way in Australia in terms of proactively advancing a more equitable, safe and welcoming University for all – staff and students alike. Many of the distinctive attributes of the division are now being replicated at University of Melbourne, ANU, and UTS to name a few. As we recover from the pandemic I can’t imagine there is a more important time to accelerate EDI and the Division’s strategy is an action-packed blueprint" said Professor Sargent.
How to apply
The successful appointee will have a strong record of strategic leadership in pursuit of academic excellence with a current appointment at Professorial level and/or in a senior leadership role in a Faculty such as Head of School, Deputy Dean or Associate Dean.
For more information on the role and how to apply, please visit Jobs@UNSW
We value diversity and strongly encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people of all cultures, abilities, sexualities and genders.
For further information, please email Professor Eileen Baldry at dvc.edi@unsw.edu.au
Applications close: Before 11:55pm Sunday 1 May
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