Harness the value of diverse lived experiences to help shape UNSW work.
The EDI Staff Consultative Group engages with and advises on staff-facing initiatives and projects across the University. It is made up of 16–20 staff members who draw on their lived experiences to offer firsthand insight into the challenges, needs and realities faced by individuals in specific diverse contexts or communities.
The group is looking for current professional and academic staff from various career stages and with a range of lived experience, including but not limited to staff from these backgrounds:
- migrant or refugee
- parenting or caring responsibilities
- LGBTQIA+ communities
- experience of disability
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
What’s involved?
Group members support inclusion and equity at UNSW by bringing authentic perspectives and lived experience to feedback on University projects. For example, the group consulted on the Inclusion@UNSW learning and development training suite launched in 2024, which covers topics including accessibility, cultural inclusion and LGBTQIA+ allyship.
The consultative panel meets on a quarterly basis, typically for 1-1.5 hour long meetings, as well as on an as-needed and optional basis for projects and initiatives requiring urgent consultation (typically via a short feedback survey or Teams message).
Submissions will be circulated to members prior to the meetings for review, and all members will have the opportunity to share their perspectives and insights. The group will be facilitated by a member of the Societal Transformation and Equity (formerly EDI) team in the Division of Societal Impact, Equity and Engagement.
Learn more and apply now to join the EDI Staff Consultative Group.
Expressions of interest close on Monday 31 March 2025. Staff should gain approval from their line manager before submitting an EOI.
Want to engage the group for consultation?
If you’d like to engage the EDI Staff Consultative Group for feedback on your staff-facing project or initiative, complete the EOI form.
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