UNSW continues to reduce gender pay gap

04 Mar 2025

University earns second-lowest average gender pay gap in Group of Eight.

Data from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) released today shows UNSW recorded a 2.5% gender pay gap (GPG) in the 2023–24 reporting period, based on median total remuneration.   

GPG is the difference between the earnings of men and women, expressed as a percentage of male earnings. It can be calculated using either average earnings or median earnings. 

UNSW earned the second-lowest average pay gap in the Group of Eight (Go8) for both total remuneration and base salary. The University’s median total remuneration gap of 2.5% sits significantly below the higher education industry benchmark (9.4%) and the Australian private sector average (18.3%). Meanwhile, UNSW’s average total remuneration gap at 7.5% is below the higher education benchmark (10.1%) and the average base salary gap of 7.6% is also lower than the sector benchmark (7.9%).  

As part of UNSW's ongoing commitment to gender equity and inclusion, Chief People Officer Gemma Martin highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in addressing the GPG. 

“UNSW is steadfast in its commitment to fostering a workplace where individuals of all genders and backgrounds are afforded equal opportunities to succeed. We welcome the publication of gender pay gap data by WGEA as it promotes transparency and accountability, encouraging all organisations to acknowledge and address disparities,” Ms Martin said.  

“Through these measures, UNSW reaffirms its dedication to creating an inclusive and equitable environment, where fairness, progress and the principles of social justice are integral to our vision and actions.” 

Improving data reporting and methodology

WGEA stipulates that the GPG is calculated for base salary and for total remuneration. Total remuneration comprises base salary, superannuation, overtime, bonuses and other additional payments. Base salary and total remuneration for an individual employee are determined using the actual earnings during the reporting year, rather than values at a particular point in time. Annual earnings for fixed term, continuing and casual employees are included in the WGEA submission. 
In submitting the 2023–24 data, UNSW made improvements to its data reporting and methodology for calculating the remuneration of staff to ensure accuracy and adherence to WGEA guidance.  

This change of methodology, when retrospectively applied to the prior year reporting to WGEA, had an impact on the University’s 2022–23 gender pay gap. This resulted in a less favourable position than was publicly reported. The 2022–23 GPG figure for median total remuneration was revised from 1.4% – as reported to WGEA – to 3.1%. 

This means the University’s 2023–24 GPG will be publicly reported as a widening of the gap. However, based on the revised figures, UNSW shows a downward trend in the 2023–24 GPG for median total remuneration – from 3.1% to 2.5%. 

New data included in 2025 report

For the first time, WGEA has published both Median and Average GPGs, in addition to the Gender Composition by Quartile. 

In the 2023–24 reporting period, all of UNSWs GPGs have reduced when compared to the previous year's revised pay gap (as shown in the table below). 

 2022–23 revised    2023–24
Average Total Remuneration  8.0%      7.5% 
Median Total Remuneration  3.1%      2.5% 
Average Base Salary 8.1%      7.6% 
Median Base Salary 4.0%      3.2% 

What is driving the UNSW GPG in fixed term and continuing staff?

Women represent 55% of the overall UNSW fixed term and continuing workforce, however in the professional cohort, women represent 65%. While women are well represented in professional levels 8-10+, it is the high concentration of women in the lower levels (1-7) that exacerbates the GPG. Levels 1-7 make up approximately 60% of the professional workforce. 

Women represent 42% of the UNSW academic fixed term and continuing workforce. While women are underrepresented across all academic levels, it is most pronounced at level E (professor level), which attracts higher remuneration. That said, the composition of the academic fixed term and continuing pipeline varies significantly across faculties.

Current UNSW initiatives to address GPG

The downward trend in GPG is evidence of UNSW’s continued commitment to advancing gender equality in the workplace and is driven by several key initiatives supporting the UN's Gender Equality Sustainable Development Goal including: 

  • gender equal recruitment policies and process
  • the Enterprise Agreement for Academic and Professional staff including equal pay and flexible working arrangements and parental and carers leave 
  • SAGE Athena Swan, an institutional award received in 2018 for work and ongoing commitment to advancing gender equity and diversity in higher education and research 
  • the Women’s Wellbeing Academy, established to positively impact women’s wellbeing, nationally and globally, through multidisciplinary collaborative research, practice, teaching and programs that advance gender equity and equality. 

Additionally, the launch of UNSW’s inaugural Gender Equity Strategy reinforces these efforts. The strategy aligns initiatives across People & Culture, Societal Transformation & Equity, and the University’s faculties and divisions, ensuring that staff of all genders, ethnicities, faiths, heritages, abilities, sexual orientations, ages and cultural backgrounds are represented, recognised and provided with the tools and support needed to succeed at every level of employment.

We are also focused on equity in academic promotions. A statistical analysis of academic promotion rates for Levels C, D and E between 2016 –24 shows that although there are more male applicants than female applicants (reflecting the overall gender make-up of the academic community), female success rates for Levels C, D and E are higher than their male counterparts: 

  • the overall success rate for the senior lecturer level was 92%, with the male success rate of 90% and the female success rate of 94%
  • at the associate professor level, the overall success rate was 83%, with the male success rate of 80% and the female success rate of 86%
  • at the professor level, the overall success rate was 80%, with the male success rate of 78% and the female success rate of 84%. 
