ARC grants will support innovation in engineering, science, medicine and business.
UNSW Sydney has secured more than $7 million in an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Research Awards (DECRA) round for 2022.
The ARC is supporting 196 new early career research projects with $83 million in funding for this 2022 round.
The 17 projects awarded at UNSW include research investigating genomics, metallurgical concepts, hydrogen behaviour, corporate giving and suicidal behaviour.
UNSW Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research, Professor Sven Rogge congratulated the UNSW grant recipients.
“The strong result in this ARC funding round reflects the high quality of our early career researchers at UNSW focusing on a wide range of applications, from mental health, to economics, renewable energies and climate change.
“I am very proud of this promising group of researchers and look forward to seeing them develop into future academic leaders. Their success underscores the University’s commitment to future-thinking research to help produce positive outcomes for all Australians,” Prof Rogge said.
UNSW Engineering
Dr Hamid Alinejad-Rokny, Deciphering molecular genetic mechanisms underlying chromatin interactions, $451,634
Dr Zhe Jia, Novel multinary intermetallic compounds for water electrolysis, $433,000
Dr Jianbo Tang, Liquid metal nano metallurgy by controlled phase transition thermodynamics, $430,000
Dr Rui Zhang, Temporal-spatial data analytics for stochastic power system stability, $427,600
Dr Alison Ciesla, Is degradation of photovoltaic modules predictable and preventable?, $425,888
Dr He Huang, Ultrastable perovskite nanocrystals for high quality optoelectronic devices, $424,000
Dr Yuchen Zhang, Data-driven wide-area system strength monitoring under weak grid conditions, $412,944
UNSW Science
Dr David Hutchinson, Did ocean circulation changes build the Antarctic ice sheet?, $453,000
Dr Wesley Dose, Sodium inventory for sodium-ion batteries, $450,000
Dr Le Zhang, Giant piezo responses in rare-earth doped eco-friendly relaxor perovskites, $450,000
Dr Sujit Das, Engineering ferroelectric topologies in freestanding membranes, $437,400
Dr Mariana Mayer Pinto, Effects of artificial light at night on coastal ecosystems, $435,748
Dr Felix Rizzuto, Biomimetic catalysis for sustainable polymer syntheses, $420,000
UNSW Medicine & Health
Dr Navid Bavi, Molecular basis of Prestin’s electromotility and sound discrimination, $434,282
Dr Michelle Tye, Understanding how community characteristics shape suicidal behaviour, $432,573
UNSW Business School
Dr Cara Vansteenkiste, Disaster relief: does corporate giving Increase firm value?, $366,666
Read the full list for DECRA 2022 round 1.
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