2024 Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses

09 Dec 2024
Dr Patricia Sullivan

Seventy UNSW PhD candidates across a wide range of fields have been recognised in this year’s awards.

The Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses recognises high-quality PhD theses produced at UNSW. 

To receive this award, candidates must complete their degree in a timely manner and produce a thesis that requires only minimal corrections. They must receive outstanding and/or excellent levels of achievement for all examination criteria, and in the opinion of both examiners be in the top 10% of PhD theses they have examined.  Examiners are external to the University and are leaders in their fields.

“Our PhD candidates are undertaking innovative research that drives real-world change and benefits local and global communities, and are a vital part of UNSW’s research efforts,” said Professor Jonathan Morris, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Training and Dean of Graduate Research. 

“These awards recognise the outstanding theses produced in the last year and highlight the high-quality research our candidates are carrying out across a wide range of fields.” 

Congratulations to the 2024 award winners.

Read about the Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses.


Pictured top: Award winner Dr Patricia Sullivan, Faculty of Medicine & Health.
