Andy Pitman appointed Net Zero Commissioner

22 Jul 2024
Andy Pitman

The NSW Government agency is responsible for providing independent expert advice on the state’s progress towards emissions reduction targets.

Professor Andy Pitman AO, FAA, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, has been appointed a Net Zero Commissioner. He joins other Commissioners with an impressive range of skills and expertise across climate change science, economics, technology, engineering, government, public administration and the interests of Aboriginal and rural, regional and remote communities.

'I'm thrilled to announce the appointment of these exceptional, eminent individuals to lead the Net Zero Commission,” says the NSW Minister for Climate Change and Energy the Hon. Penny Sharpe. 

“The strong, independent Net Zero Commission will provide us with expert assessments of our progress in achieving our net zero goals and adapting to our changing climate.

“The Commission will consider all perspectives and help bring government, business and community along the journey towards our ambitious net zero goals.”

Scientia Professor Sven Rogge, Dean of Science, says this is an outstanding achievement for Andy and UNSW.

“Net Zero is one of the societal challenges where UNSW’s capabilities need to be highly visible. Andy’s appointment to the Commission will be of such great value, not only to the ambitions for a Net Zero Future, but for raising the profile and opportunities for all the great climate and green energy research undertaken at UNSW.” 

Prof. Pitman is proud of this appointment and the value it will bring to UNSW.

“I am very much looking forward to supporting the goals of the Net Zero Commission and to maintain NSW’s leadership in its progress towards the critical goal of reducing emissions.”

The Net Zero Commission

The inaugural Net Zero Commission has been established under the Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Act 2023, operate independently and is accountable to the NSW Parliament. NSW’s targets include a 50% reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, a 70% reduction by 2035, and net zero emissions by 2050.   

The commission’s role is to:

  • monitor, review and report on the state’s progress towards its emissions reduction targets and adaptation objectives
  • provide independent, expert advice on the NSW Government’s approach to addressing climate change
  • provide recommendations to the NSW Government on plans or policies to meet the states emissions reduction targets and the adaptation objective
  • educate and inform the NSW Government, businesses, organisations, and individuals on ways to promote action to address climate change.
