Hear from staff members on how to get more out of myExperience.
Term 2 2024 myExperience survey, which opens this week and runs from 22 July to 8 August, allows UNSW students to provide feedback on how they engage with their courses.

Making the most of myExperience
Teaching colleagues are invited to join Jacque North and Dr Daniela Castro de Jong on Tuesday 20 August, 10:30am–11:30am, at the Teaching Commons for ‘High TEAch Term 2: Evaluation of teaching is everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s not a piece of cake!’.
This event is the continuation of the in-person event ‘Making sense out of nonsense: High TEAch break and term debrief’ hosted by Dr May Lim, Dr Vanessa Honson and Dr Daniela Castro de Jong at the Teaching Commons in Term 1.
Join fellow teaching colleagues in person, share a cup of tea and engage in discussions about the term. Everyone is welcome, including staff who are new to the myExperience process.
This event is an opportunity to create a collegial environment where educators can decompress and have impromptu ‘corridor’ conversations about the triumphs, challenges and insights of the term. There is no script, but themes explored will include the process of giving and receiving feedback as part of the evaluation of teaching.
Learn more and register to attend.
Earlier in the year, as part of the Making the most of myExperience event series, we heard from some of our fantastic teaching staff on how they approach both gathering responses from students and making sense of those responses.
Resources from these sessions are available to teaching staff again in Term 2:
- Increasing myExperience response rates with the BOOST Strategy – Associate Professor Kevin Liu. View recording and slides.
- myExperience comment review process and the feedback resilience project – Dr Nicole Saintilan and Paul Keitley. View recording and slides.
Staff can also access the dedicated ‘How to read student feedback’ SharePoint for tips and techniques on how to read and process student feedback, including videos on personal experiences from staff and how they use student feedback to their advantage.
Conducting the myExperience survey with your students
We recommend setting aside a few minutes of class time midway through the lesson with the most attendance. Staff who devote class time to the survey often have a higher response rate and a more accurate description of what their students think.
Downloadable resources are available to show in class, and we recommend educators follow these guides when communicating about the survey:
- Tell your students about the value of honest and constructive feedback and that myExperience data is used to make changes to courses.
- Explain how the myExperience survey provides you and other academic staff with valuable information and makes a difference to the next group of students taking the courses.
- If possible, share examples of how you have changed your courses based on student feedback. You can do this by using myFeedback matters inside the course Moodle.
For more information on myExperience, please contact: myExperience@unsw.edu.au.
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