How have we been actioning your feedback?

11 Jul 2024
Insight survey graphic

We’re continuing to turn your insights into meaningful change across UNSW.

Thank you again to all the fixed-term, continuing and casual staff who participated in last year’s Insight survey. It was an opportunity for you to share what’s working well and what we can do better to make UNSW a great place to work. 

Across the University we are focused on improving these two statements:

  • The leaders in my faculty/division demonstrate that people are important to the University’s success.
  • At UNSW we act on new, promising or innovative ideas.

Developing our leaders

We’re delivering a scaled-up suite of leadership development programs to reach and support more leaders. More than 400 leaders will participate in the pilot programs in the second half of 2024, and even more places will be available in 2025. These programs were designed to enhance leadership development so that our staff feel supported and equipped to deliver the new UNSW strategy.  

Fostering innovation

We formed aInnovation Working Group, comprised of professional and academic staff from across the University. Four workshops explored the barriers and opportunities for innovation across UNSW. This included visiting areas that have successfully nutured innovation, like Founders and the ADA Innovation Hub. Potential actions will be presented to the Vice-Chancellor this August.

Ongoing activities

Across the faculties and divisions, we’d like to acknowledge and encourage the ongoing action taking place. A number of focus areas have been selected, based on local level results, to make an impact. You can expect to hear more about that from your local faculty or divisional leadership teams over the coming weeks. We encourage you to continue to share your ideas with your leaders around what else we can do to make UNSW a great place to work. 

If you’d like to learn more about the Insight survey and our quarterly reporting, visit the Insight survey webpage.
