UNSW, UTS and schools partnership receives award

06 Aug 2024
Mary Teague with Prairiewood High School awardees for the Public Education Awards

The NSW Equity Consortium, a collaboration between schools and universities, was recognised as an Outstanding School Initiative at the 2024 Public Education Awards. 

The Secretary’s Award for an Outstanding School Initiative celebrates NSW public schools that have enhanced public education through discrete programs, events and initiatives. The award recognises projects that are evidence-based with long-term measurable benefits.  

The awards ceremony took place on Monday 5 August, at Sydney Town Hall, as part of Public Education Week.  

UNSW Director, Access, Equity & Inclusion Mary Teague accepted the award alongside Prairiewood High School Principal Belinda Giudice.  

“It is an honour for UNSW’s widening participation work in partnership with schools to be recognised in this way. We congratulate the five high schools for their commitment to student equity and to improving post-school learning outcomes for their students,” said Mary Teague.  

The NSW Equity Consortium and Imagined Futures 

In 2024 the NSW Equity Consortium continued as a partnership between UNSW and UTS, and the five high schools recognised at the Public Education Awards: Bass High School, Bonnyrigg High School, Cabramatta High School, Prairiewood High School and Punchbowl Boys’ High School. It is supported by funding from the NSW Department of Education. 

The centrepiece of this collaboration is a curriculum-linked educational outreach program, Imagined Futures, delivered to students in Years 8 by UTS and Year 9 by UNSW, at the five Consortium schools, where students are traditionally underrepresented in higher education. Imagined Futures was co-designed with the partner universities, teachers and researchers, and uses literacy as a tool to encourage students to envision their future and positively influence their educational journey. The in-school program is designed to be repeated annually, ensuring sustained and measurable impact over time. 

UNSW's role in the NSW Equity Consortium 

UNSW delivers the Year 9 component of the Imagined Futures program, addressing key challenges that students face during this stage of their education. 

For students, UNSW’s Year 9 program: 

  • develops a deeper understanding of the value and purpose of education 
  • emphasises the importance of academic success in opening future possibilities 
  • encourages students to explore various pathways for future study and post-school options. 

For teachers and schools, the program: 

  • assists them in identifying and piloting different approaches to teaching and learning 
  • provides professional development opportunities delivered by Dr Dennis Alonzo, from the UNSW School of Education, at the Consortium universities. 

A sector-first collaboration 

By fostering an environment where schools and universities work closely together in the design and delivery of the Unit of Work, the Consortium has bridged the gap between secondary and tertiary education providers through the establishment of a partnership between school leadership, teachers and equity practitioners in higher education.  

The Consortium schools recognised at the Public Education Awards highlight the impact that evidence-based initiatives can have on students' lives and futures.

Pictured above: Mary Teague with Prairiewood High School awardees for the Public Education Awards
