Why is it important to report hazards? 

02 Aug 2024
Caution sign on a wet outdoor walkway

Knowing how to recognise and report a hazard through Salus helps keep us all safe. 

Everyone at UNSW can have a role in ensuring the University is a safe place to work, study or visit. If you see a hazard, taking action and reporting it is a vital part of our proactive safety culture and it helps to prevent incidents and injuries.  

How can you report a hazard? 

You can report a hazard through Salus, UNSW’s safety management system. Read our Hazard Management How To Guide which will help you report a hazard and assist supervisors when managing hazards assigned to them. 

Near miss or hazard?  

It's important for us to understand the difference between a near miss and a hazard.  

A near miss is an adverse event that could have resulted in injury, illness or damage to property. For example, if a ceiling tile falls on the floor but doesn’t injure anyone or damage anything, that’s a near miss.  

A hazard is a potential source of harm, for example, when a ceiling tile is starting to come loose but hasn’t yet fallen.  

Both can be reported by navigating to “Report an Incident/Near Miss” or “Report a Hazard” on the Salus homepage.
