Share your thoughts and shape the future of information governance

29 Jul 2024
The UNSW Library building

The Information Governance Policy and Procedure is now open for consultation.

We’re excited to share UNSW’s updated Information Governance Policy and Procedure for community consultation. The draft policy is open for feedback until Thursday 22 August 2024.

This initiative is part of the Policy Transformation Program, which aims to streamline and simplify the University’s policy framework.

The new policy reduces red tape and clarifies the requirements for the UNSW community through consolidation of these policy documents:

  • Recordkeeping Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • Data Governance Policy
  • Data Retention Procedure – Home Drives, Office 365 and OneDrive
  • Data Breach Policy and Procedure
  • Third Party Agreement Recordkeeping Guideline
  • Recordkeeping Standard
  • Data Classification Standard
  • Handling Research Data and Material Procedure
  • Research Data Governance and Materials Handling Policy
  • Acceptable Use of UNSW Information Resources
  • Email Policy
  • Cloud Computing Guideline 
  • AI Guiding Principles
  • ZID Guideline.  

The draft policy has been developed by a team of experts, incorporating extensive input from faculty and divisional representatives across the University, as well as subject matter experts. This collaborative approach ensures the policy is comprehensive and well-informed.

An Information Governance Instruction Manual which details information governance procedures is currently being drafted. This manual, as well as the policy and procedure, will be supported by persona-based guidance and communities of practice. 

Find the draft policy on the Drafts for Consultation page.

Please submit all feedback directly to the Policy Team.
