Get on-brand with our updated style guides and Brand Hub

06 Jun 2024
A group of people sitting at Plume cafe at UNSW

Learn more about our new brand idea – Collective Progress – and our range of new and refreshed guides and resources. 

We have updated UNSW’s style guides to reflect our new brand idea and to make them, and assets like downloadable templates, more accessible.  

Collective Progress is the idea at the heart of the University’s new brand framework and is brought to life in our new brand campaign – ‘Progress for all’.   

Collective Progress is our hearts (pursuing a just future), hands (delivering practical and entrepreneurial solutions), and minds (pushing boundaries) coming together to shape progress and societal impact for individuals to prosper and for all in the world to thrive.  

It celebrates the significant progress we are making, and our determination to ensure it is for the benefit of all.  


Watch our ‘Progress for all’ manifesto video.  

Guiding principles and tone of voice 

The way we communicate – in words and pictures – is informed by our brand idea of ‘Collective Progress’ and our new guiding principles: 


These principles apply across all our communications and ensure we’re consistent in the way we present the University and the progress we are making. 

More information on our new brand idea, guiding principles and tone of voice can be found in our new resources.  

New brand resources 

Consistency is key to telling our story of progress and building a successful brand. We have refreshed a range of brand and content resources and added a few new ones to help you apply our new brand idea and principles in your work.  

We have also updated our brand guidance and brand templates to make our content more accessible, provided tips and links to further resources on creating accessible content, and made our own guides accessible.  

  • Master Style Guide – This is our brand ‘bible’ and ensures we’re consistent in the way we present the University.   
  • Our Writing Style Guide  – complements our Master Style Guide and is a must-read resource for anyone producing content for both internal and external audiences.  
  • Audience Messaging Matrix this new resource tells the UNSW story from the perspective of our brand idea – Collective Progress. It includes messaging templates for a general audience and ones tailored to our specific audiences including current students, future students, staff, donors, alumni and industry.  
  • ‘About UNSW’ presentation – this PowerPoint presentation contains up-to-date information about UNSW for staff to use in their presentations. Simply choose the slides that suit your needs.  
  • Social Media Style Guide – helps you apply our brand to social media content. You should also check out the Social Media Resources site for everything social media.  
  • Progress For All’ brand campaign toolkit – sets out how we present ourselves visually when creating external-facing ‘Progress For All’ marketing campaigns. The toolkit is available by request from  
  • Our branded templates are a must-use resource for all staff. They’ve been updated to help you create accessible content. They include templates for documents, reports, presentations, posters, EDMs, videos, email signatures etc. Please download and use the latest branded templates.  

What’s on our new Brand Hub 

All updated templates and style guides, as well as links to resources, can be accessed from our new Brand Hub

You’ll find: 

Who to contact 

If you can’t find what you need on the Brand Hub or have a question about any of our resources, contact the Brand Team. 
