Get student feedback at the June SCON meeting

06 Jun 2024
UNSW students walking up the mall

Use the Students as Partners Consultative Group for input on your project.

The Students as Partners Consultative Group (SCON) is a group of current students representative of UNSW’s student body, with a wide range of lived experiences.

The group meets quarterly and provides valuable feedback and insights on UNSW projects and initiatives. Past projects include the Code of Conduct, Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS), and ideas for student activations and events.

The next SCON meeting is scheduled for Monday 24 June – you can submit your idea to the group by Monday 17 June.

How SCON works

To get input for your project:

  1. Email SCON with an outline. Staff will work with you to communicate your project with SCON.
  2. Attend the SCON meeting where you’ll have the opportunity to hear students’ thoughts and ideas on your key questions and focus areas. Meetings can be in-person or online.  
  3. You will receive minutes and additional responses on your project in the week after the meeting.  

Your project doesn’t need to be fully formed to submit to SCON. In fact, often a short brief or idea will provide the best opportunity to get actionable student feedback.

If the 24 June meeting doesn’t work, let us know, and we may be able to arrange a more suitable time.

Learn more about SCON on the EDI website

Join the Students as Partners Community of Practice Teams channel as another way to stay up to date with SCON. 
